Focus on reducing financial costs, connecting investors to the project development cycle

UNA Connect, the digital platform created to establish connections between excellent businesses.

UNA Connect is an innovative digital platform that revolutionizes how projects find financing and investors discover opportunities.



Documents organization, debts structure, and projects presentation.

Through a simple and efficient process, the UNA Connect Structuring module allows project owners and companies to present their initiatives, optimizing the capital structure and support from UNA’s expertise in financial consultancy to investors and creditors for generating profitable and lasting businesses.

Credit Portfolio Risk Monitoring

Intelligent monitoring of guarantees and contractual obligations.

The UNA Connect Convenants module allows project owners and companies to monitor guarantees and contractual obligations with a detailed view and intuitive navigation. It makes all information available in real time, offering greater security in monitoring the deal.

Be part of the UNA Ecosystem.

Connect to excellent opportunities to transform your project into reality. With UNA, your project has the support it needs to reach new success levels and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Come to UNA!

Faça parte do Ecossistema UNA.

Conecte à uma excelente oportunidades em transformar o seu projeto em realizadade. Com a UNA, seu projeto tem o suporte necessário para alcançar novos patamares de sucesso e contribuir para um futuro mais sustentável.

Vem pra UNA!
